- Mathematics, École Normale Supérieure (Lyon), 2012-2015
- Probabilty and Finance Masters, Université Pierre et Marie Curie & École Polytechnique 2014-2015
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Aalto, 2024
Work experience
- 2015-2020: Financial Engineer/Quantitative Researcher
- Société Générale
- J.P. Morgan
- 2022-current: Teaching assistant for the course “Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing” at Aalto University
- Move the course from Matlab to Python
- In charge of the exercises sessions
- Lectures on “Current topics in state-space model inference” (2022), “Bayesian optimal filtering equations and the Kalman filter” (2023), “Estimation of Parameters via Bayesian Filtering” (2023)
- Reviewed for ICML, NeurIPS, AISTATS, etc (2020-current).
- Reviewed for Statistica Sinica, Statistics and Computing, Signal Processing, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B), Philosophical Transactions A, Electronic Journal of Statistics, various IEEE journals and conferences.