Adrien Corenflos


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Hello visitor, you have safely landed on the personal page of Adrien Corenflos (me). If this is not what you expected, don’t leave just yet, I don’t have cookies, but I have a short CV and a list of publications.

About me

In case you are still here reading, here’s a few facts about me. I am a Ph.D. student at Aalto University, working in [Prof. Simo Särkkä's]( group, in Finland. I will be defending my thesis on August 26th, 2024. This IS DONE and I received my diploma!

I currently work as a postdoctoral researcher at Warwick University, under Prof. Gareth Roberts and Prof. Adam Johansen, as part of the OCEAN project. Prior to this I was working as a quantitative researcher for J.P. Morgan in London, and focused mostly on statistical modelling of corporate credit markets (essentially modeling of online auctions).

Research-wise I like all things sampling, all things optimal transport, all things parallel, all things state-space models. I do find the smell of a GPU burning through matrix multiplications weirdly comforting, and typically try finding new principled ways to indulge in this.

If you want to contact me for a reason or another, see the contact page.

Here is a picture of mushrooms. I like mushrooms.